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Jarcuterie is is the answer to keeping a charcuterie fresh. Personal sized servings allow for personal preferences (no olives please!); maximum freshness and because it's not a shared platter – there's less competition.
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Headwaters Blog

2020 Christmas Tree
Christmas trees don’t just happen – they are carefully pruned every year so that they look like a living room tree and not a wild bush. We know this because most of our family have had the fun of working the early morning shift trimming trees at the Barrett’s Christmas Tree Farm (nearby friends). Every…

Sweet Potato Gnocchi
Every Friday we gather in the kitchen to collaborate on a meal – this week it was Sweet Potato Gnocchi. Follow us on Instagram for the tiny stories we sometimes have time to tell. @headwatersfarm.ca @foragersfarms @randeesbees

Winter Market – Thursdays at William Street Brewery
We are excited to announce that every Thursday we will be at William Street Brewery in Cobourg from 4-6 PM with a pop-up market featuring: freshly baked bagels and pretzels; Foragers Farms greens, sprouts and teas; Randees Bees Honey, candles and soaps; Marr-Velous Smoked Fish and more! Join us every Thursdays from 4-6 PM. There…

Film Camp – Guest Filmmaker Les Stroud
This week’s challenge was to capture a scene in a single shot. The camera frame changes from introduction to close, following the action and story – a challenge that required many rehearsals! We had a special guest this week – Les Stroud (Survivorman) was shooting an episode for his new series at Headwaters and took…

Headwaters Community Garden – Summer 2020
We have a lovely, large vegetable garden that produces more food than we can possibly eat! We use ecological practices and permaculture techniques to grow tasty and nutrient-rich veggies and herbs. We are inviting you to join our community gardening team. No experience necessary! Your qualifications: 1. Able to move, bend and lift as well…